Project Updates
Weather conditions impacted field work throughout the first quarter of 2024. Early January was challenging, with snow and single-digit temperatures putting a halt to all but essential facility and equipment maintenance activity.
Fortunately, February’s historic temperatures and sunny, dry conditions allowed the construction and support staff to get back to work. Many changes are taking place across the site, including foundation work on three main LP1 facilities. Several more building foundations are expected to begin this spring or summer. Large drill rigs are busy placing thousands of engineered, rigid inclusions and auger-cast piles for building foundations. More steel will start to change the skyline as concrete foundation work advances on the site’s Central Utilities Building.
On the north side of the project, progress is being made on a stormwater retention pond. Currently trailer complexes for construction personnel, entrance turnstiles and other infrastructure are becoming operational to support work planned for 2024 and the construction workers who will get it done.
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