Many members of the Fluor construction team will live in the community while the project is being built. The team has a goal to add immediate and lasting value in the local community through nonprofit engagement, legacy projects and employee giving and volunteerism.
Fluor is a proud member and sponsor of the Boone County Chamber of Commerce. And the Fluor team makes regular donations to Boone County Habitat for Humanity Restore. If you are a local non-profit leader, email Jeff.Wagner@Fluor.com to tell us about your mission and needs in the community. As we outline our giving and support program in more detail, we’ll share guidelines with you and your organization.
Envoy Program
A good way to get reliable information is through people you already know and trust. The Lebanon Project Community Engagement Team’s Envoy Program pairs project management and staff with civic and social organizations seeking project information and updates. Envoy Program members from the project team will link with groups who would like to have someone speak in person to their group who can field questions, share concerns and provide project information and advance notices. If your group would like a visit from project envoy, let us know info@LPGrowsBoone.com or 1-866-LP-GROWS.